The Best Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, and Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Las Vegas!
In an accident? Contact our team of injury lawyers for a free case review!
The Nevada legal system was made to provide recovery options in the event you fall victim to a personal injury accident. It is your right to seek compensation for losses incurred through no fault of your own as a victim. However, as with most legal things, the system in place can be pretty complex. When a severe injury occurs due to the negligence of another, you may be left feeling angry, confused, and helpless. Moreover, navigating through the complex insurance system can fuel the fire. It is important to remember that you are not alone regardless of where you are in your injury aftermath! The injury attorneys at Craig P. Kenny & Associates are some of the best injury lawyers in all of Las Vegas. A law firm committed to the client, and we are dedicated to helping you every step of the way. If you need a hands-on injury lawyer who holds your best interest at heart, you’re in the right place. We are well equipped to take on any accident injury case in the State of Nevada, including Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, and Boulder City.
Craig P. Kenny & Associates practices primarily in car accidents and other Las Vegas personal injury law, workers’ compensation, insurance bad faith, products liability, DUI defense, criminal defense, and traffic tickets. Our attorneys provide aggressive representation to our injured accident victims throughout the state of Nevada.
克雷格于 1995 年创立了自己的律师事务所,他坚信客户永远是第一位的。聘请我们才华横溢的律师团队可以让您高枕无忧,因为您的人身伤害索赔将得到妥善处理;我们将始终把您视为我们的首要任务,因为这正是您的本分。我们希望帮助您和您的家人尽快康复,最重要的是,我们希望终身担任您的律师。如果您受伤,请随时致电 (702) 380-2800 联系 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 进行免费案件审查。
Ticket Fax: (702) 380-4146
All lawyers charge a fee for their work; however, most personal injury attorneys work off a contingency fee. This means that your attorneys fee is contingent on the outcome of your case. If you win a settlement, then your attorney will collect a percentage of the settlement. Typically, a contingency fee ranges from 33 percent up to 40 percent. At Craig P. Kenny & Associates, we never make more than the client, and we fight hard to ensure you receive the maximum settlement offer possible.
Even if the insurance company has offered you a settlement for your injury, you should have an injury lawyer review the settlement offer to ensure you are receiving fair compensation for your injuries. Often, the insurance companies will offer a low settlement in hopes that you will accept without an attorney’s review. Do not fall victim to this tactic! Contact a personal injury lawyer for a free case review–BEFORE you sign on the dotted line!
要成功提出人身伤害索赔,仅仅证明第三方对您的健康采取疏忽和鲁莽行为是不够的;您最终必须证明疏忽导致您受到严重伤害。如果您在内华达州拉斯维加斯发生事故,记录您的医疗伤害是必不可少的。记录事故造成的任何身体伤害也很重要。如果您对事故伤害有疑问,请联系 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的人身伤害律师。
Our mission at Craig P. Kenny & Associates is to treat eaceveryient who walks through our doors like family. Our staff is courteous and respectful towards every client who entrusts us with their injury claim, and by working with our law firm, you can expect prompt, diligent, and efficient services 24/7. Whether that means meeting a client at the hospital, their home, or assisting our clients with finding the best medical care possible, it is our obour objective is and beyond in any way that we can.
拉斯维加斯律师事务所 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 已成立 27 年,一直为内华达州拉斯维加斯的受伤受害者提供值得信赖的法律代理。Craig Kenny 为内华达州拉斯维加斯的居民提供法律服务,主要从事人身伤害法领域的工作,重点是车祸、滑倒和跌倒事故、工伤赔偿、刑事辩护、保险恶意索赔和交通罚单。
Craig P. Kenny 及其敬业的人身伤害律师团队利用其丰富的法律专业知识,致力于尽快、高效地为您的伤害获得最高和解方案。他们还将帮助您获得康复期间可能需要的任何额外损害赔偿,包括与事故相关的当前和未来医疗费用。
根据您的人身伤害案件,我们的团队将提供个性化服务,以确保您获得所需的法律建议,以赢得诉讼并获得您应得的伤害赔偿。与 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的人身伤害律师合作,请放心,知识渊博且经验丰富的法律专业人士将处理您的案件。
我们人身伤害律师事务所可以代表您与保险公司和其他律师协商赔偿事宜,并提交必要的文件。如需内华达州拉斯维加斯的人身伤害法律服务,请立即联系 Craig P. Kenney & Associates。
Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的目标是像对待家人一样对待每一位客户。我们的员工始终友善、有礼,并专注于每一位走进我们大门的客户。通过与 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 合作,您可以期待在您的案件处理期间以及我们整个工作关系期间都能获得及时和认真的服务!我们以提供一流的客户服务为荣,无论是在家中、医院还是工作场所与客户会面,我们每天都随时为您讲解案件!
If you or a loved one need the best personal injury attorney Las Vegas has to offer, contact Craig P. Kenny & Associates for a free injury case evaluation.
(702) 380-2800
Craig P. Kenny & Associates in Las Vegas, NV, can be reached at 702-380-2800.
Hayley Price 是一位知识渊博、经验丰富的律师。Hayley 让我感觉自己是她唯一的客户;她给了我很好的建议,并准备为解决我的案子而努力。我一定会向家人和朋友推荐 Hayley。
再次感谢 Hayley – Anthony P.
这些家伙很棒。非常高效,非常专业地处理了我的需求。强烈推荐。– Autumn W.
一位朋友建议我打电话给他们,以解决我的超速罚单。这位女士告诉我,由于这是我的第一次违法行为,拉斯维加斯市法院已经提供罚单减免、交通学校和扣分,只要我不抗辩并在线支付。她本可以轻松让我支付 50 美元,而我永远不会知道!她甚至在网上指导我完成整个流程。我希望我能给这个地方 10 颗星。– Amanda G.
他们非常乐于助人,我出车祸时就去找他们,他们处理了一切,并立即安排了预约看医生,工作人员非常友好。车祸会让人非常紧张,他们让我感到受欢迎和关心。10/10 绝对推荐。希望我不再有车祸,但如果有,他们就是我要找的人。– Rachell M.
我代表我的丈夫写这篇评论,他在半夜下班回家时与一名醉酒司机发生了车祸。由于人身伤害和车辆损坏,我们联系了 Craig P. Kenny & Associates。Lawrence E Mittin 和他的团队非常致力于为我的丈夫简化整个过程,他因为受伤需要看几位医生。最后,我的丈夫得到了非常不错的赔偿。感谢 Lawrence E Mittin 所做的一切工作!我们会向任何有需要的人推荐这家律师事务所。– Ioana R.
Craig P Kenny & Associates 的 Paul Kirst 是一位高效、值得信赖的人身伤害律师,他能取得成果!最近,他帮我顺利处理了一起交通违规案件,而且结果非常出色,即使在常见的隔离封锁挑战中也是如此。我有机会在整个过程中与他互动,享受他缓解压力的幽默,并欣赏他对法律和相关法院系统的了解和理解。Paul 在整个过程中不断向我通报最新情况,解释了如何做和为什么做。他的办公室沟通顺畅,并通过电子邮件和电话忠实跟进。他们甚至发送了有关最终法院处理费用和截止日期的提醒。Paul 以五星级的方式解决了一个小法律问题,如果我需要一位一流的人身伤害律师来处理大事,我会再次找他。谢谢你,Paul!– Teri A.
Phone: 702-380-2800
免费电话:(888) 275-3369
传真:(702) 380-2833
Email: ckenny@cpklaw.com
地址:内华达州拉斯维加斯南 8 街 501 号,89101