Car Accidents

Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney

Las Vegas Car Accident Attorneys Helping Accident Victims Since 1995.

受伤了?立即联系 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的律师,了解您的恢复方案。


In an accident? Contact our team of injury lawyers for a free case review!


Car Accident Law Services in Las Vegas, NV

遭遇车祸后,您可能会想问一些难题,例如:“我有人身伤害案吗?”“我现在该怎么办?”因此,您可能面临债务增加和医疗费用增加而无法承担的局面。您无疑需要可以信赖的法律建议。Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的伤害律师可为您提供事故后从始至终的帮助。我们拥有资源和专业知识来回答您有关机动车事故的所有问题,我们将尽快、高效地处理您的车祸案件。

Attorneys — Las Vegas, NV — Craig P. Kenny & Associates

The best Las Vegas car accident lawyers

One of the most critical things you must remember following an automobile accident in Las Vegas is to speak with a lawyer as quickly as possible. As you know, the other driver’s insurance company will use every resource they have to try to deny your insurance claim. Therefore, to adequately protect your rights, you will need to seek legal advice BEFORE speaking with the insurance company and providing a statement of the accident.

保险公司在事故发生后联系受害者时非常积极。这通常是因为他们认为这可以让他们快速解决事故索赔,而不管这对受害者是否有利。他们会试图迫使您尽快解决,通常是在您有时间评估事故造成的经济损失总额之前。这就是为什么您必须尽快与事故律师交谈以保护您的权利。如果您或您所爱的人在车祸中受伤,请联系 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 律师事务所,与拉斯维加斯车祸律师交谈,进行免费咨询。请务必立即致电以确保您受到保护。


您需要一位拉斯维加斯车祸律师,他将为您对抗顽固的保险公司。您需要一位车祸律师,他将握住您的手,尽可能温和地指导您完成整个过程;他将代表您站出来为您辩护;他更关心看到您在情感和经济上恢复,而不是迅速结案收取和解金。这不是 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的经营方式。我们的律师将利用我们的专业知识并利用我们拥有的每一种资源来帮助您最大限度地获得伤害赔偿。

To successfully recover compensation for your injuries, we must prove negligence. This means that we must prove that the other driver was responsible for an automobile accident, usually by means of distracted driving.

这需要投入时间、经验和知识——而 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 可以提供这些优势。我们通过聘请专家、收集适用于您案件的所有证据、调查事故现场、警方报告等来做到这一点。




  • Pen and paper
  • Disposable camera or mobile phone with camera capabilities
  • Proof of registration and insurance
  • Roadside assistance/tow truck company information
  • Bonus: A copy of the Las Vegas accident protocol


  • Another driver involved in the crash is, or appears to be, intoxicated.
  • Another driver involved in the crash cannot, or will not, provide registration and/or insurance information.
  • Another driver involved in the crash is uncooperative.


    姓名、地址和电话号码所有乘客和目击者的姓名和联系信息驾驶执照信息保险证明车辆信息,包括年份、品牌型号、车牌号和 VIN 号码。

记录现场情况并获取所有信息后,您应该填写 SR-1 表格提交给您的保险公司。

Establishing Fault After a Car Accident


When trying to prove fault in a car accident, investigators will take a close look of each party to determine negligence. To prove fault, we must examine all evidence presented to prove that the other party was not exercising due care as they should have and that their negligence was a direct cause of the accident.



NRS 41.1 规定,如果您对事故负有 50% 或以上的责任,则您无权获得任何损失赔偿。如果您的责任不到 50%,那么您的赔偿金将根据您的责任百分比减少。







需要经验丰富的车祸律师来计算这些损失的价值,您不应将此事托付给错误的人。如果您或您所爱的人对车祸后可追回的损失有疑问,请立即联系拉斯维加斯最好的车祸律师 Craig P. Kenny & Associates!(702) 380-2800

Contact the auto accident attorneys at Craig P. Kenny & Associates!

在 Craig P. Kenny & Associates,我们的目标是为客户提供卓越的法律服务。这就是为什么我们的拉斯维加斯车祸律师团队将接手调查您的案件,以便您可以专注于从伤病中恢复。我们提供有关您的事故案件以及财产损失信息的免费、无义务咨询。

如果您在车祸中受伤,请立即致电 (702) 380-2800 与拉斯维加斯人身伤害律师讨论您的案件。


不幸的是,在拉斯维加斯车祸中受伤或丧生的人们,大多数司机只购买了所在州要求的最低汽车保险。内华达州的最低要求仅为 25,000 美元,因此大多数疏忽大意的司机的保险都远远不足。


  • A minor collision at low or residential speeds resulting in major injuries or even death.
  • One person in the vehicle is severely injured or killed while others in the vehicle suffered minor, or no injury.
  • Major damage to a localized area of the vehicle. This can mean that an area or component failed to function properly. These situations can involve a tire blowout or de-tread, roof crush, or seat-back failure.
  • Seatbelted occupants are seriously injured or ejected from the vehicle. Seatbelt-induced injuries such as abdominal or spinal cord injuries are often an indicator of seatbelt failure.
  • Ejection from a vehicle when the occupant is belted in is a strong suggestion that the seatbelt failed to properly restrain the person.
  • Vehicle rollovers caused by the faulty suspension or result in roof crushes due to poor design.
  • Faulty vehicle ignition switch causes loss of power-steering or brakes and can also cause airbags to not deploy; and
  • An airbag deploys during a minor vehicle accident, or the airbag does not deploy when it should.



如果您或您所爱的人因汽车产品缺陷而受到伤害,请随时联系 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的经验丰富的律师 (702) 380-2800,进行免费、无义务的案件评估。


内华达州拉斯维加斯的 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的联系电话是 702-380-2800。我们随时准备为您提供出色的代理服务。

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