内华达州拉斯维加斯的 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 邀请您与我们以下合格的律师团队会面
Craig P. Kenny is the fourth child of seven of two hardworking immigrants who came to America for a better life. His mother, Rose Elisabeth, was born and raised in Germany and his father, Edward Lawder Kenny, was born in Canada. His parents married in Germany in 1949 and came to Chicago, Illinois shortly thereafter. Craig was born on Easter Sunday in Chicago, and he was raised knowing that with hard work and perseverance you could do anything and be anything in this great country.
Unfortunately, the only reason Craig is an attorney is because his parents had two horrible experiences with attorneys. Both of Craig’s older brothers were tragically killed in personal injury accidents. When his older brother Michael was three years old, he was killed when he was struck by a truck while he was walking in a crosswalk with Craig’s older sister. The truck driver would later state that he never saw Craig’s brother. Craig’s other brother, Dale was killed fourteen years later.
Just fifteen and only a Sophomore in High School, Dale was killed instantly when the four-seater Cessna aircraft, in which he was a passenger, came down out of the sky and slammed into a house in a suburb of Chicago. Both times Craig’s parents retained attorneys – both times, they were treated with the attitude that the attorney was the “attorney”, and his parents were “stupid immigrants.” The attorney never returned their phone calls and they had absolutely no client service skills.
Craig graduated in 1984 with an Associate Arts Degree in Pre Law Studies from Richard J. Daley Community College (Chicago). He then transferred to UNLV and graduated in 1986 with a B.A. Degree in Communications. He then graduated in 1988 with a M.P.A. Degree from UNLV. He then graduated in 1991 with his J.D. from Tulane University (New Orleans).
从杜兰大学毕业后,克雷格立即返回拉斯维加斯,通过了律师资格考试,并成为一名执业律师。1991 年 11 月,克雷格接受了内华达州受伤工人副律师的职位。克雷格专门代表受伤工人参加行政审判。1992 年 4 月,克雷格被爱德华·M·伯恩斯坦律师事务所聘为人身伤害律师。克雷格在那里工作了两年,处理人身伤害和工伤赔偿案件,然后提前一个月通知说他打算开办自己的公司。
On May 22, 1995, Craig opened Craig P. Kenny & Associates. A Law Firm Committed to the Client. A Law Firm that would always be there for those who needed help.
最后,Craig 经常在工伤赔偿、人身伤害和医疗事故领域授课。他还是内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的兼职教授。他目前教授医疗保健法。
布拉德利·L·肯尼是克雷格的弟弟。布拉德利出生并成长于芝加哥南部。从圣丽塔高中毕业后,他决定就读罗纳德·里根的母校尤里卡学院,该学院位于伊利诺伊州尤里卡。尤里卡是一个小镇,人口约 5,000 人,大学学生不到 1,000 人。他于 1985 年至 1989 年上大学,获得经济学学士学位。
Bradley attended Loyola Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana from 1990 to 1993 wherein he received his degree. After law school, Bradley attended UNLV for postgraduate work in Economics. In 1993, Bradley passed the bar examination and became a member of the Nevada Bar. He had served as a member of the Board of Governors for the State Bar Association and was the President for the Clark County Bar Association in 2004. Bradley is also a member of the Nevada Justice Association.
Bradley 拥有美国内华达州地方法院和美国第九巡回上诉法院的执业资格。他还是哥伦布骑士团的成员。
Lawrence E. Mittin was born and grew up in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. Larry went to college at the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1990 with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Economics. After completing his undergraduate degree, Larry went to the University of California at Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law. While at Boalt, Larry worked in Washington D.C. in the United States Justice Department’s Summer Honors Program.
Larry 还曾在美国加州北区联邦地区法院法官 Lowell Jensen 手下担任了一个学期的司法实习生。1993 年从博尔特毕业后,Larry 搬到拉斯维加斯,担任美国内华达州联邦地区法院首席法官 Lloyd George 的法务助理。作为法务助理,Larry 协助起草命令和审判备忘录,并参与听证会和审判的组织工作。1994 年,Larry 成为内华达州和加利福尼亚州律师协会的成员。
完成为期一年的书记员工作后,拉里开始在拉斯维加斯担任保险辩护律师。拉里主要为汽车事故和场所责任事故辩护。担任保险辩护律师一年半后,拉里决定开始代表索赔人处理汽车事故、非正常死亡和保险欺诈案件。1997 年 9 月,拉里加入我们的律师事务所,主要从事汽车事故、保险欺诈和场所责任领域的工作。
Leon R. Symanski grew up in Southern California then moved to Long Island, N.Y. at the age of 16. After graduation, Leon returned to Southern California where he attended Orange Coast Community College where he worked full-time, went to school full-time, and played basketball. Leon’s hard work and dedication paid off when he was recruited by the famed UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian. Leon accepted an athletic scholarship and went on to play basketball for UNLV from 1984 – 1987. During those three years, UNLV amassed an incredible record of 97 wins and 11 losses.
UNLV 赢得了 PCAA 冠军、PCAA 锦标赛,并且连续三年参加了 NCAA 锦标赛。Leon 的大学篮球生涯在高三时达到顶峰,当时他的球队进入了四强。他的球队总战绩为 37-2,这一纪录至今仍保持着,是单赛季 I 级联赛获胜次数最多的球队。1998 年 10 月,Leon 的 1987 年篮球队被选入 UNLV 体育名人堂。
Leon graduated from UNLV in 1987 with a degree in Business Management. After graduation, he traveled throughout Asia playing semi-professional basketball. Upon his return to the United States, Leon began a successful career in the Las Vegas hotel/casino industry where he worked for the next ten years. In 1989 Leon was admitted to the Public Administration Graduate College at UNLV and he graduated with his master’s degree in May 1994. Leon graduated with honors and was elected into the Pi Alpha Alpha National Honor Society for public administrators.
Leon had dreamed of having the opportunity to attend law school and becoming a licensed attorney. He was extremely honored when he found out that he was chosen to be a charter member of the William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV in 1998. Leon graduated from law school in May 2001.
Leon 主要从事人身伤害和工伤赔偿领域的工作。2020 年 8 月,Leon 成为一名认证仲裁员。Leon 是美国审判律师协会、美国律师协会、内华达州司法协会和克拉克县律师协会的成员。Leon 拥有内华达州法院和内华达州地方法院的执业资格。2008 年 4 月,Leon 因杰出的学术成就和对社区的服务而入选 Phi Kappa Phi 荣誉协会。
Billie-Marie 是内华达州律师协会正式认可的少数几位律师之一,被认定为“工伤赔偿领域的专家”。获得这一认可和认证并不容易,因为需要多年在工伤赔偿领域的实践经验,处理一定数量的案件并将其提交上诉法院以及内华达州地区法院和最高法院。除此之外,还需要通过非常困难的笔试和口试。
比莉-玛丽在马萨诸塞州长大,1989 年搬到内华达州。她获得了内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的工商管理硕士学位,并于 1998 年被威廉·S·博伊德法学院特许班录取。在法学院期间,比莉-玛丽在美国内华达州地区法院为尊敬的约翰尼·B·罗林森 (Johnnie B. Rawlinson) 实习,随后进行了第二次实习,然后继续在罗林森法官手下担任了两次书记员,当时罗林森法官被任命为美国第九巡回上诉法院法官。在担任书记员之后,比莉-玛丽的法律职业生涯专注于复杂的诉讼,重点关注大规模侵权行为,主要是在产品责任领域。
2007 年,Billie-Marie 加入我们律师事务所,在继续从事产品责任和人身伤害业务的同时,她对帮助人们的热情转化为一份令人惊叹的职业,为在工作中受伤的人提供代理服务,现在负责管理事务所的工伤赔偿部门。
Billie-Marie 的成就包括:在威廉·S·博伊德法学院共同教授工伤赔偿课程、在南内华达学院教授行政法多年、担任内华达州司法协会董事会成员、担任南内华达州女律师协会董事会成员、担任全国工伤法律小组 (WILG) 董事会成员,并连续被评为全国百强工伤赔偿律师,等等。
Billie-Marie 持续为工伤赔偿、社交媒体和道德领域的律师开设研讨会、网络研讨会和继续教育课程。她曾担任美国司法协会工伤赔偿部门通讯编辑,并继续在当地和全国范围内协助推进受伤工人及其家属的权利和福利。Billie-Marie 还撰写了无数法律期刊文章,撰写了审判实践手册的一章以及法律实践手册。Billie-Marie 参与了 Women Heart 活动,这是一项与她个人息息相关的事业,她在当地和全国范围内为患有心脏病的女性进行游说。由于她的志愿工作,她主持了广播节目“Double Take”。
Billie-Marie 拥有内华达州律师执业资格,同时还拥有美国内华达州地区法院和美国第九巡回上诉法院的律师执业资格。
Jimmy 是土生土长的肯塔基人。1989 年,他毕业于肯塔基大学及其荣誉课程,主修英语,辅修经济学。1992 年,Jimmy 毕业于肯塔基大学法学院,并荣获美国法学图书商业协会优秀学生奖。Jimmy 在法学院期间一直在法学院图书馆工作,在那里他为没有法学院图书馆的农村地区的律师开展研究项目。他还是 Westlaw 的学生代表,负责教授和协助学生在电子数据库中进行法律研究。
After graduation, Jimmy immediately moved to Las Vegas and passed the bar in 1992. He practiced primarily in the areas of personal injury law, including automobile accidents, insurance defense, premises liability, products liability and medical malpractice for 15 years. In 2007, he opened The Howard Law Firm with his wife Tracey, where Allstate and Progressive insurance companies hired him to represent their insureds who were sued for causing injury to another person as the result of a car accident. He continued to represent Plaintiffs injured in car accidents during this time as well. He is a board member of the Lawyer Referral Service of the State Bar of Nevada. Jimmy also serves on the State Bar of Nevada Fee Dispute Committee to resolve disputes between clients and their attorneys.
Jimmy 于 2019 年 1 月加入 Craig P. Kenny & Associates,并拥有在内华达州和内华达州美国地方法院执业的资格。
In his spare time, Jimmy likes to work out at the gym, go to the movies and cheer on the Las Vegas Golden Knights.
保罗·柯斯特(PAUL KIRST)先生
保罗在北圣地亚哥县长大,他的母亲是一名注册护士,父亲拥有并经营家族农场 Kirst & Sons。保罗在有机农场工作时学会了强烈的职业道德,全家人主要种植杏仁、金橘、波森莓和蔬菜。
高中毕业后,保罗搬到了拉斯维加斯,并于 1987 年获得了内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的学士学位,之后他又回到了圣地亚哥,就读法学院。1990 年从圣地亚哥大学法学院毕业后,保罗回到了拉斯维加斯,担任克拉克县地方法院法官南希·贝克尔(现为高级法官)的法律助理。随后,他进入私人律师事务所,多年来为拉斯维加斯的几家大型酒店/赌场辩护。此外,他还为多起非正常死亡和严重伤害诉讼案辩护,包括在一次灾难性的脊髓损伤审判中获得陪审团的成功裁决。
在加入 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 之前,Paul 曾在 Allstate Insurance Company 担任内部法律顾问八年。在这八年的最后三年中,他担任该办公室的首席法律顾问,负责管理 17 名员工,其中包括 10 名律师,并为数百份随时待审的文件提供指导和见解。即使在担任首席法律顾问期间,Paul 仍继续他的审判工作,每年参加多次陪审团审判。在 30 年的律师生涯中,Paul 曾参加过无数次民事陪审团审判(前 30 次之后他就不再计算了);多次法庭审判;以及数百次仲裁。
During his career, Paul has had an article published in the Nevada Lawyer, served on the Nevada State Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Nevada State Bar Publication Committee. He has also served as a pro tempore short trial judge, an arbitrator in the court-annexed arbitration program in both Washoe and Clark counties, and as a pro-tem municipal court judge in Las Vegas Municipal Court.
Over the years Paul has enjoyed various hobbies ranging from fighting in taekwondo tournaments to rock climbing where he climbed both traditional and sport routes in such locations as Red Rock National Recreation Area, Joshua Tree National Forest, and the canyons and valleys near Moab, Utah. Two of his favorite climbing routes are Ancient Art Tower and Castleton Tower, both near Moab and both with several hundred feet of vertical climb and exposure. He currently enjoys a more leisurely pace, including sailing he and his wife, Wendy’s, 42’ sailboat, Bom Bom, which they keep in San Diego, CA. Paul has sailed in numerous Newport to Ensenada sailboat races as well as multiple Baha Ha-Ha regattas (San Diego to Cabo San Lucas). Paul and Wendy enjoy vacationing throughout Mexico, particularly enjoying Baja California, and spending time with their three grandchildren.
梅拉妮·谢布尔(Melanie Scheible)是一位出色的律师和女政治家,对内华达州人民有着深厚的责任感。
In addition to practicing law, Senator Scheible is a leader in the Nevada Legislature. She is the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a Majority Whip. Senator Scheible has been instrumental in reforming the Nevada Department of Corrections to bring justice to incarcerated people and their families. She has also been recognized as a champion for the LGBTQ people and is an active member of the community.
Melanie 是一位尽职尽责的阿姨,她喜欢和她的侄女们在一起(目前还没有侄子!)。她养了一只名叫 Harriet 的三色猫。如果您与 Melanie 进行视频通话,她会鼓励您的宠物和孩子来参加。
11 月 17 日星期日,我们非常悲痛地失去了一位出色且备受尊敬的律师、伟大的朋友、慈爱的父亲和狂热的波士顿体育迷。
Michael A. McOsker 先生
1957 年 1 月 8 日 - 2019 年 11 月 17 日
内华达州拉斯维加斯的 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的联系电话为 702-380-2800。我们经验丰富的法律团队随时准备为您争取利益。
Hayley Price 是一位知识渊博、经验丰富的律师。Hayley 让我感觉自己是她唯一的客户;她给了我很好的建议,并准备为解决我的案子而努力。我一定会向家人和朋友推荐 Hayley。
再次感谢 Hayley – Anthony P.
这些家伙很棒。非常高效,非常专业地处理了我的需求。强烈推荐。– Autumn W.
一位朋友建议我打电话给他们,以解决我的超速罚单。这位女士告诉我,由于这是我的第一次违法行为,拉斯维加斯市法院已经提供罚单减免、交通学校和扣分,只要我不抗辩并在线支付。她本可以轻松让我支付 50 美元,而我永远不会知道!她甚至在网上指导我完成整个流程。我希望我能给这个地方 10 颗星。– Amanda G.
他们非常乐于助人,我出车祸时就去找他们,他们处理了一切,并立即安排了预约看医生,工作人员非常友好。车祸会让人非常紧张,他们让我感到受欢迎和关心。10/10 绝对推荐。希望我不再有车祸,但如果有,他们就是我要找的人。– Rachell M.
我代表我的丈夫写这篇评论,他在半夜下班回家时与一名醉酒司机发生了车祸。由于人身伤害和车辆损坏,我们联系了 Craig P. Kenny & Associates。Lawrence E Mittin 和他的团队非常致力于为我的丈夫简化整个过程,他因为受伤需要看几位医生。最后,我的丈夫得到了非常不错的赔偿。感谢 Lawrence E Mittin 所做的一切工作!我们会向任何有需要的人推荐这家律师事务所。– Ioana R.
Craig P Kenny & Associates 的 Paul Kirst 是一位高效、值得信赖的人身伤害律师,他能取得成果!最近,他帮我顺利处理了一起交通违规案件,而且结果非常出色,即使在常见的隔离封锁挑战中也是如此。我有机会在整个过程中与他互动,享受他缓解压力的幽默,并欣赏他对法律和相关法院系统的了解和理解。Paul 在整个过程中不断向我通报最新情况,解释了如何做和为什么做。他的办公室沟通顺畅,并通过电子邮件和电话忠实跟进。他们甚至发送了有关最终法院处理费用和截止日期的提醒。Paul 以五星级的方式解决了一个小法律问题,如果我需要一位一流的人身伤害律师来处理大事,我会再次找他。谢谢你,Paul!– Teri A.
Phone: 702-380-2800
免费电话:(888) 275-3369
传真:(702) 380-2833
Email: ckenny@cpklaw.com
地址:内华达州拉斯维加斯南 8 街 501 号,89101