Bike and Motorcycle Accidents

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Call Our Team of Personal Injury Attorneys After a Bike or Motorcycle Wreck

Bicycle Accident on the Road — Las Vegas, NV — Craig P. Kenny & Associates
Do you need a Las Vegas bicycle accident attorney?

A bicycle, as defined by the State of Nevada, is a device that is propelled by human power with two wheels of a certain dimension, located at the front and rear end of the “device.” Bicycle injuries are highly complex and require an experienced lawyer. If you are injured in a bike accident in the Las Vegas Area, let a personal injury lawyer from the Craig P. Kenny & Associates firm fight your bicycle injury case for you. Our attorneys have obtained impressive results for their clients in these types of cases.

Las Vegas Bicycle Accidents / Las Vegas Bicycle Accident Injury

Sustaining a bicycle accident injury is, unfortunately, very common in Las Vegas. The attorneys at Craig P. Kenny & Associates understand what you have experienced. Our attorneys have knowledge in every aspect of bicycle safety, equipment, roadway safety and design, and accident reconstruction.

In most bicycle vs. Las Vegas car accident cases, the motorist is almost always to blame for the accident; however, there are other reasons why a bicycle accident could occur.

Motorists must ALWAYS be aware of their surroundings while operating a vehicle. A bicycle (or any other entity that they are forced to share the roadways with for that matter) should be treated as another vehicle. For example, if you are sharing the turning lane with a bicyclist, you must ALWAYS yield to the bicyclist. You are never permitted to drive in the bike lane unless you are yielding to an ambulance or pulled over by a police officer.

As a bicyclist, you have rights and if you are injured, you must exercise them. Contact us for immediate help regarding your accident.

Do bicyclists and automobile drivers share the same laws?

Yes. All motor vehicles and bicycles must adhere to the same traffic laws. That means you must obey stop signs, traffic lights, and yield to pedestrians.

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident in the Las Vegas area, it is imperative that you seek medical attention as quickly as possible. Even if your injuries seem small, brain injuries can occur from even the slightest bruise or bump to the head or neck area.

Fast medical care translates to a safer and quicker recovery, both medically and financially. Call Craig P. Kenny Associates at (702) 380-2800 today to speak with an experienced Las Vegas bicycle accident attorney regarding your case.

All bicycles are required to have a fully operational headlight for nighttime use, just like all other vehicles. Moreover, bicycles must have reflectors on their rear to maintain visibility to traffic.

You should never ride a bicycle against traffic. Doing so is dangerous and creates the potential for a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle. Riding with traffic reduces the potential for a car accident.

All motor vehicles, automobiles, and bicycles are required to have fully operational braking systems.

Turn signals are another imperative factor to consider in roadway biking. You must implement your turn signal no less than 100 feet from the point of which you are going to turn. Bicyclists do this by use of their arm in an outward, L-shaped fashion.

Just like automobile drivers are required to wear a seatbelt, bicyclists are required to wear a helmet to protect them against serious injury in the event of a collision or crash.

Call Our Motorbike Accident Attorneys

Craig P. Kenny & Associates in Las Vegas, NV, can be reached at 702-380-2800. Our bike accident attorneys are ready to help you.

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