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Injured on the job in Las Vegas? You need a Workers’ Compensation Attorney on your side.
几乎每个职业或专业都存在一些受伤风险……无论是来自现场潜在事故、重复动作的压力还是接触危险物质。此外,如果您在工作中受伤,您的痛苦会因担心雇主会如何反应而产生的压力而加剧。在 Craig P. Kenny & Associates,我们的工伤赔偿律师希望确保您的主要重点是您的康复。我们会处理其余的事情。
You’re looking for a Las Vegas workers’ compensation lawyer because you or a loved one became injured on the job-whether you are in constant pain, you can’t work due to your injuries, you’re feeling overwhelmed with workers’ compensation paperwork, or perhaps your benefits have stopped and you fear you won’t be able to make ends meet… Whatever the case may be, you can rest assured knowing that, at this very second, you’re exactly where you need to be.
For over 20 years, we have been aggressively fighting for the rights of hard-working Nevada residents who have been injured at work. We help our injured clients navigate through the complicated Nevada work comp insurance claims process. By filing a workers’ compensation claim, helping you choose a doctor, to educating you on your workers’ compensation benefits and submitting wage claims… Our attorneys prepare for every case as aggressively as possible, and we have no hesitation when it comes to going to court on your behalf if that is what it takes to get you the compensation you deserve.
Regardless of where you are in your workers’ comp process, whether you’ve suffered an on-the-job neck injury as recently as yesterday, or perhaps you have been enduring work-related carpal tunnel for years… maybe you are even trying to handle a denied workers’ compensation claim. Perhaps your injuries are only starting to become apparent, and you are unsure if it is work-related. Whatever the case may be, and regardless of where you are at in your work-place injury claim, you owe it to yourself to call the best Las Vegas Workers’ Compensation attorney in Nevada. We will conduct a free evaluation of your work injury claim and advise of the best plan of action to take; legally and medically.
Are Las Vegas Workers Comp Benefits Taxed?
Why Hire A Las Vegas Workers Comp Lawyer?
Reasons Why Your Workers Comp Benefits Were Denied
Getting the benefits you deserve from your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance is not a simple matter. As you can imagine, it involves plenty of red tape that could easily confuse you, and eventually result in the unfair denial of your claim—that is, unless you have an experienced Las Vegas workers’ comp attorney on your side. You could be entitled to the following benefits:
The compensation you receive for missed work is based on the extent of your injuries paired with your ability to return to work. If in fact you qualify for benefits, you may qualify for compensation under the following areas:
You can get medical treatment for your injury or illness immediately. If a medical provider is informed that you have a pending workers’ compensation claim, they cannot request payment from you directly. To receive financial benefits, you must wait for your claim to be approved by the insurance company. You will typically be notified 30-days post filing. If you are denied benefits, you will be notified of your rights to appeal the claim with a deadline to do so.
如果您的福利被拒,经验丰富的人身伤害律师(例如 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的律师)可以帮助您提起上诉。我们了解流程和法律要求,我们很乐意代表您(我们的客户)确保您获得应得的福利。
Yes, however, if you opt to self-represent, insurance companies will fight tooth and nail to deny these benefits. For example, they may argue that you are not actually disabled by your injury or illness, that there is no validity to your claim, or that your condition is not work-related, etc. We understand how to fight back against these kinds of accusations. As your Las Vegas workers’ compensation attorney, we will fight for your rights and create the strongest case possible to ensure you receive full and fair compensation.
内华达州工伤赔偿法规定,工伤赔偿金额为平均月薪的 66.33%。当您在工作中受伤并且工伤不允许您长时间工作时,可享受这些福利。
No, Las Vegas workers comp benefits are not taxable income. Workers’ compensation payouts are typically tax-free for the entire time that the worker receives them. Of course, some important exceptions apply if you are also collecting disability payments, and you are encouraged to consult with your CPA with any additional questions.
Most workers compensation claims are handled with proper diligence and care by a person’s respective employer. However, this is not always the case for workers in less-traditional workplace settings, such as construction, plumbing, HVAC and so on. More often than not, a stubborn employer or a bad faith worker’s compensation insurance provider will challenge a claim stating they were not responsible. Even if you are working in a remote location, you could still be eligible for coverage. The following working situations may still be eligible for workers compensation benefits:
如果您对您的工作状态是否允许您提出索赔存在疑问,请立即联系拉斯维加斯最好的人身伤害律师 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 进行无义务的案件审查。
The State of Nevada requires employers to provide their employees with workers’ compensation if they become hurt while working and are protected under no-fault insurance coverage at the time of injury. In general, from the moment employees are hired, they are covered by the statutes as referenced in the Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code 616 and 617. Workers’ compensation was designed to protect employees and employers. Employers who provide coverage for their employees are protected from excessive damages that may be claimed during working hours.
We are a law firm committed to the client. We make sure you receive the best result possible! Our lawyers understand that workers’ compensation settlements are fundamental to your recovery. Workplace injuries can result in severe, sometimes long-term, and permanent disability. We offer nearly three decades of experience, and we can provide injured workers with the reliability that only expertise and experience can provide. The Law Offices of
Craig Kenny & Associates handles all workers’ comp claims, both large and small. We have produced excellent results for many of our clients and we are confident we can secure maximum compensation for you, too.
我们在代理遭受工伤的工会成员以及受伤的市、州和市政雇员方面经验丰富。因此,如果您在工作中受伤,请立即致电 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 律师事务所 (702) 380-2800,或在线联系我们,获得免费的工伤赔偿评估。每次咨询都不是义务,讨论的所有信息都是保密的。
拉斯维加斯辛勤工作的居民 20 年来一直依靠我们的工伤赔偿律师事务所来争取他们的权利和福利。您也可以。
内华达州拉斯维加斯的 Craig P. Kenny & Associates 的联系电话为 702-380-2800。我们的工伤赔偿律师随时准备为您提供帮助。
Hayley Price 是一位知识渊博、经验丰富的律师。Hayley 让我感觉自己是她唯一的客户;她给了我很好的建议,并准备为解决我的案子而努力。我一定会向家人和朋友推荐 Hayley。
再次感谢 Hayley – Anthony P.
这些家伙很棒。非常高效,非常专业地处理了我的需求。强烈推荐。– Autumn W.
一位朋友建议我打电话给他们,以解决我的超速罚单。这位女士告诉我,由于这是我的第一次违法行为,拉斯维加斯市法院已经提供罚单减免、交通学校和扣分,只要我不抗辩并在线支付。她本可以轻松让我支付 50 美元,而我永远不会知道!她甚至在网上指导我完成整个流程。我希望我能给这个地方 10 颗星。– Amanda G.
他们非常乐于助人,我出车祸时就去找他们,他们处理了一切,并立即安排了预约看医生,工作人员非常友好。车祸会让人非常紧张,他们让我感到受欢迎和关心。10/10 绝对推荐。希望我不再有车祸,但如果有,他们就是我要找的人。– Rachell M.
我代表我的丈夫写这篇评论,他在半夜下班回家时与一名醉酒司机发生了车祸。由于人身伤害和车辆损坏,我们联系了 Craig P. Kenny & Associates。Lawrence E Mittin 和他的团队非常致力于为我的丈夫简化整个过程,他因为受伤需要看几位医生。最后,我的丈夫得到了非常不错的赔偿。感谢 Lawrence E Mittin 所做的一切工作!我们会向任何有需要的人推荐这家律师事务所。– Ioana R.
Craig P Kenny & Associates 的 Paul Kirst 是一位高效、值得信赖的人身伤害律师,他能取得成果!最近,他帮我顺利处理了一起交通违规案件,而且结果非常出色,即使在常见的隔离封锁挑战中也是如此。我有机会在整个过程中与他互动,享受他缓解压力的幽默,并欣赏他对法律和相关法院系统的了解和理解。Paul 在整个过程中不断向我通报最新情况,解释了如何做和为什么做。他的办公室沟通顺畅,并通过电子邮件和电话忠实跟进。他们甚至发送了有关最终法院处理费用和截止日期的提醒。Paul 以五星级的方式解决了一个小法律问题,如果我需要一位一流的人身伤害律师来处理大事,我会再次找他。谢谢你,Paul!– Teri A.
Phone: 702-380-2800
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传真:(702) 380-2833
地址:内华达州拉斯维加斯南 8 街 501 号,89101